How to Pair Adjustable Bed Remote Ease – Step by Step Guide

How To Pair Adjustable Bed Remote Ease – Step By Step GuideSource:

Adjustable bed remotes are an essential part of modern adjustable beds. With the help of the remote, you can easily adjust the bed to your desired position. However, if you are new to adjustable beds or have recently purchased a new one, you may need to know how to pair the remote with the bed. In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to pair adjustable bed remote ease.

Step 1: Unpack the Remote and Bed

The first step is to unpack the remote and bed. Make sure to remove any packaging material and keep them aside. You should have the remote and the bed in front of you.

Step 2: Turn on the Bed

Next, you need to turn on the bed. This can be done by plugging in the bed and pressing the power button on the remote control.

Step 3: Switch on the Remote

Once the bed is on, you need to switch on the remote. Press and hold the power button on the remote until it lights up. This indicates that the remote is on and ready for pairing.

Step 4: Press and Hold the Pairing Button on the Bed

Now, you need to press and hold the pairing button on the bed. This button is usually located on the underside of the bed or on the control box. Hold the button for a few seconds until the LED light on the bed starts flashing.

Step 5: Press and Hold the Pairing Button on the Remote

Once the LED light on the bed is flashing, you need to press and hold the pairing button on the remote. This button is usually located on the back of the remote or under the battery cover. Hold the button for a few seconds until the LED light on the remote starts flashing.

Step 6: Wait for Pairing Confirmation

After pressing and holding the pairing button on both the bed and remote, you need to wait for pairing confirmation. Once the pairing is successful, the LED lights on both the bed and remote will stop flashing and remain lit.

Step 7: Test the Remote

Finally, you need to test the remote to make sure it is paired correctly. Press the up and down buttons on the remote to adjust the bed’s position. If the bed responds to the remote’s commands, the pairing is successful.

Tips for Pairing Adjustable Bed Remote Ease

Here are some tips that can help you pair your adjustable bed remote with ease:

  1. Make sure the bed and remote are within close proximity to each other for pairing.
  2. Read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully before attempting to pair the remote with the bed.
  3. If you are having trouble pairing the remote, try resetting both the bed and remote and repeating the pairing process.


Pairing an adjustable bed remote ease is a simple process that can be done by following the steps mentioned above. By pairing the remote with the bed, you can easily adjust the bed’s position and enjoy a comfortable sleep. By keeping these tips in mind, you can ensure a successful pairing process and avoid any potential issues.

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